The terms and conditions for campers are given below.

  • Age limit: 5+
  • Free for children below 5 yrs
  • Tourist will be responsible for any damage done to campsite property
  •  Remuneratio jbn for the same will be expected
  • For your own safety, once you exit the place please dust your shoes before wearing them (insects  like to get cozy in the warmth of our footwear)
  •  Please zip up the tent every time you enter or exit it
  • You do not want insects flying into your tent and creating a nuisance for you at night
  • Stay in the campus premises only
  • Do NOT go in the restricted areas
  • Do NOT go in the restricted areas
  • Keep the campsite premises clean, neat and hygienic
  • Do not eat food or snacks inside the tent. Keep the tent clean.
  • Weapons, sharp items or any inflammable items are restricted on the campsite.
  • Please do not take any of the campsite belongings along with you.
  • Take care of your valuables (phones, cameras, laptops etc). The campsite doesnt take  responsibility for loss of any items.
  • No smoking or drinking inside the tent.
  • Please take off your shoes before entering the tent at all times.
  • Strictly NO USE OF DRUGS in any kind or any form in the campsite premises.
  • If caught, legal action will be taken against the campers.
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